/My Heart Desire

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Status : experience teaches us become more mature

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Dear Everything~
Kalau kita terlalu ikutkan perasaan, ia kemungkinan akan memakan diri kita sendiri. 

So let's follow your mind, heart, lung, kidney and something else. Insyaallah everything gonna be okay hahaha *chill*

i want you know that I LOVE YOU more than anything. Coz...... that my feeling so suka hati aku lah ! Please jangan mudah kecewa, hampa, sedih, melalak, meraung dan jatuh tergolek golek macam bantal busuk. eeeuwww~ Buruk tahu tak. So "feeling", aku harap kau tak buat aku kecewa lagi sekali. Walaupun kau dah nampak dengan kepala, tengkorak, mata dan urat saraf bahawa kau sedang dipermainkan.. Aku harap sangat kau boleh bertahan dengan lebih kuat dan tabah. #Go Go FIGHTING !

Dear MIND~
I hope you can carry my master minds carefully. Please always think positive. Forgive all my enemy.. But..... remember the BASTARD'S name. How can i forget yours name after you do all this to me?  N. E. V. E. R !  

With Love,